Diving Komodo

Diving spot in Komodo National Park

There are a lot of diving spots in Komodo National Park, and if you keen to explore it, we will have 3 dives per day. Each dive will be accompanied with our dive master, so divers of all levels are welcome. We also provide full diving equipment, such as:

Underwater Adventure

Indonesia’s Komodo National Park is a glorious realm of translucent seas, glittering reefs, and lush volcano-islands. It’s one of the top snorkeling and diving spots on the planet, with a festival of marine life, from giant trevallies, groupers, and sweetlips to schools of tiny iridescent anthias. Drift snorkels bring you above exquisite coral gardens and to seamounts patrolled by rays and hawksbill turtles.

Manta Point

Probably the most famous dive site in the Komodo area and, yes, you are very likely to find Manta Rays here. Located in the far south of Komodo Island, inside the bay, you see some rocky outcrops at the surface, while under the surface you have an “alley” at 10-15m depth between the rocks, and a deeper section to the east down to 30m. The site can easily be dived more than one time. You may also find other large rays, big parrot fish or barracuda here. There can be a strong current and the water is often a little chilly at this dive site.

Batu Bolong

Batu Bolong (Hollow Rock) is a small rock that lies between Komodo and Tatawa. Nothing much to see at the surface, but below, the rocky reefs drop to 70m and features big schools of fish. Another of Komodo’s top “signature” dives – the reef is in superb condition. The coral is great plus there are lots of sponges, but it’s the fish life that makes this dive site. The sheer volume of fish here is incredible from the deep water where Napoleon wrasse, big tuna and white tip sharks are hunting, to the shallows where you encounter such dense schools that you can hardly see where you are going! Currents here can be strong. In general it is worth noting that Komodo is not an area for beginner divers. If you plan a liveaboard here, you should have a decent amount of experience.

Castle Rock

Castle Rock is located just off the north side of the small island of Gili Lawa Laut, north of Komodo Island. The current can be very strong. Several pinnacles point upwards from a shelf at around 24 meters, up to about 4 meters depth. It does look, some might say, like a castle. There are big schools of fusiliers and surgeon fishes and the mass of smaller fish bring trevallies, jacks, mackerel, barracuda and more – there is even a chance to see dolphins underwater. White tip and black tip sharks are also found here especially when a current is running.

Crystal Rock

Crystal Rock is a seamount in open water, covered by soft corals, that becomes exposed at low tide making the tip of the pinnacle visible from the surface. This site has very clear water with crystal clear visibility, hence the name of it. This great visibility will allow to easily spot all the diverse life in the blue. After descending with the current, you will find this stunning rock formation and is then when the action begins, you will see some grey reefs sharks, white tip and black tips sharks. The rock and walls are encrusted with barrel sponges and an array of colorful soft corals and large fans, making this, a very eye catching dive. You will also encounter schools of bat fish, giant trevallies, schools of tuna, eagle rays, snappers, huge schools of fusiliers, napoleon wrasse, angel fish, parrotfish, thousands of anthias, schools of yellow-ribbon sweetlips, butterflyfish, moray eels, damselfish, triggerfish, pufferfish mackerel, surgeonfish, crocodile fish, grouper, and also barracudas are often hunting around. Sometimes you can even spot dolphins in Crystal Rock, so keep your eyes wide open!